We are following all provincial guidelines.
The Garden Center, including Lilies is fully open. We are limited to 25% capacity. As such you may be asked to wait outside until there is safe room in our store. Please use the provided hand sanitizer before entering the store and keep your facemask on at all times. If you have ANY symptoms at all, please do not come to the store. Both Stevensville Garden Gallery and Lilies Niagara are available to shop online.
Wear Face coverings
Public health recommends that people use a Face covering (for example, non-medical mask, cloth mask) in public to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 to other people when physical distancing may be a challenge or not possible. We will provide you with a face mask if you arrive without one. However you will not be permitted in the store without a facemask.
Maximize physical distancing and separation
The most effective way to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission is to maintain physical distancing (Min 2m).