Top 5 Foods Birds Will Love
Setting up a bird feeder in your yard is one of the simplest ways to bring the joy of nature closer to home. Watching feathered friends flutter in and out, chirping their unique tunes, is an experience that never gets old. But the key to attracting a variety of birds is filling your feeder with the right foods. Here are the top five foods birds can’t resist and why they’re perfect for your feeder:
1. Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
Almost every bird that visits a feeder will enjoy these nutrient-packed seeds. Black oil sunflower seeds, in particular, have a thinner shell and higher fat content compared to striped sunflower seeds, making them a superior choice, especially in winter. They’re the ultimate all-season treat for birds looking to fuel up and stay warm.
2. Peanuts
Dry-roasted, unsalted peanuts are a powerhouse of protein and fat, ideal for helping birds thrive during colder months. These high-energy nuts attract a wide variety of species, including woodpeckers, jays, chickadees, cardinals, and finches. Add peanuts to your feeder, and you’ll likely see a bustling avian crowd in no time!
3. Suet
Suet is a wintertime favorite among birds for good reason: it’s packed with fat and provides an excellent source of energy. Whether you use pre-made suet cakes or create your own with a mix of seeds, nuts, and rendered fat, this option is sure to keep your feathered friends happy and well-fed during colder days.
4. Safflower Seeds
This white, thin-shelled seed is a particular favourite of northern cardinals! One thing to note: avoid spreading safflower seeds on the ground. They tend to become soggy and unappealing when exposed to wet weather, so keep them in a covered feeder.
5. Cracked Corn
Loved by a variety of birds such as sparrows, blackbirds, jays, and even squirrels, cracked corn is a versatile choice for your feeder. While it’s a great addition to attract diverse species, be sure to feed it in moderation. Cracked corn can quickly become a favourite snack for every critter in your yard!
Pro Tip for Bird Lovers
When stocking your feeder, consider your local bird population and the time of year. Winter, for example, calls for high-fat foods to provide energy during cold days, while summer might see birds opting for lighter snacks.
Bring Birds to Your Backyard
With these top five bird foods, your feeder will become the hottest dining spot in the neighbourhood for your feathered friends. Let’s make this season a feast for the birds!
Happy birding!